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GE turbocompressor packages for Enagas

Posted: 4 November 2003

GE Oil & Gas will supply two gas turbine-driven turbocompressor packages to Enagas of Madrid for the expansion of the Córdoba compression station, a new gas pipeline compression station in southern Spain.

Each of the two GE turbocompressor packages will include a GE 10/2 gas turbine equipped with a dry low emissions system, and a PCL 502 centrifugal compressor.

The scope of GE's contract also includes erection, commissioning and start-up of the units, and spare parts.

The equipment will be shipped from GE Oil & Gas facilities in Italy to the project site starting in the fourth quarter of 2003, with commercial operation scheduled for the first quarter of 2005.

GE Oil & Gas also supplied three similar turbocompressor packages for phase one of the Córdoba compression station, and recently provided another turbocompressor package with a PGT5 gas turbine for the expansion of the Banyeres compression station. Total output of the Córdoba station will be approximately 44 megawatts.

The new compression station will boost the flow of natural gas coming from the Huelva regasification plant through the Huelva-Sevilla-Córdoba pipeline, and gas coming from Algeria through the Magreb subsea pipeline and the Tarifa-Córdoba pipeline.

This gas will be transported to Portugal through the Córdoba-Portugal pipeline, and to the north of Spain through the existing Córdoba-Madrid pipeline as well as a new Córdoba-Madrid pipeline now under construction.

Enagas, a leading natural gas transportation company in Spain, owns gas pipeline and transportation networks, regasification plants and gas storage facilities across the country.

GE Oil & Gas, a unit of GE Power Systems, is headquartered in Florence, Italy, the home of Nuovo Pignone, a long-time global leader in gas compression and turbogeneration products.

GE acquired ownership of Nuovo Pignone in 1994 and since then has continued to expand its oil and gas business by acquiring or developing partnerships with other technology and experience leaders in the industry.

Other companies that are part of GE Oil & Gas include Gemini, GE Packaged Power Odessa, Rotoflow, A-C Compressor and Conmec, all of the United States; Thermodyn of France; and PII Pipeline Solutions of the United Kingdom.

About GE Power Systems
GE Power Systems is one of the world's leading suppliers of power generation technology, energy services and management systems, with 2002 revenues of nearly $23 billion.

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, GE Power Systems provides equipment, service and management solutions across the power generation, oil and gas, distributed power and energy rental industries.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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