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Statoil awards Visund pipe laying contract

Posted: 26 November 2003

A contract worth about NOK 85 million to lay the gas pipeline from Statoil's Visund development in the North Sea has been awarded to Allseas Marine Contractors.

Placed by Statoil on behalf of the field licensees, this job covers 35 kilometres of 20-inch pipeline from the Visund platform to the Kvitebjørn gas pipeline.

Gas from Visund is due to be piped on through the Kvitebjørn transport system to the Kollsnes gas processing plant near Bergen.

The contract also has an option to deliver and integrate valve modules into the pipeline for tie-in of flexible risers from the Visund platform, and to perform the tie-in to the Kvitebjørn line.

Line pipe for the Visund facility is under production in Japan, with laying work scheduled for 2004 or 2005. The field is due to begin production on 1 October 2005.

For more information see

Posted by Richard Price, Editor Pipeline Magazine

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