Tabreed joins hands with Tanmia
Posted: 28 November 2003
Tabreed to conduct on-the-job training for 20 UAE nationals
Tabreed - the National Central Cooling Co (PJSC) recently signed
a Memorandum of Understanding with Tanmia, the National Human Resources
Development & Employment Authority, to hire and train UAE nationals.
The initial three-month partnership, running from October to December
2003, is designed to extend training and employment opportunities
for up to twenty young UAE nationals with the region’s premier
district cooling service provider, Tabreed. At the conclusion of
the 18-month in-house training programme, successful candidates
will be offered full time employment positions at Tabreed.
“We are proud to take part in such a positive national development
project,” said Mohamed Al Qamzi, Chief Operating Officer of
Tabreed. “Our agreement with Tanmia will help us help young
UAE nationals find their own paths to success through practical
on the job training and employment.
“Tabreed is wholly committed to continuing its support of
national employment and development projects, devoting the best
resources, industry expertise, training and work place opportunities
to the ongoing success of the UAE and its future generations.“
Under the terms of the agreement, Tabreed will provide Tanmia with
detailed requirements of specific job openings, including job titles,
required educational and experience levels and any other relevant
requirements to assist with direct placement. Tabreed will choose
from candidates referred by Tanmia to take part in both the training
led and on-the-job programmes and will, in turn, collaborate with
Tanmia to identify any existing skill/competency gaps and design
future training programmes accordingly.
“This partnership is an excellent opportunity to place UAE
nationals in the private sector, helping Tanmia realise its goal
of building better job awareness amongst UAE locals,” said
Ayesh Al Barguthi, Director of Tanmia. “Tabreed will offer
twelve UAE nationals Tanmia training-led employment and a further
six UAE national job seekers on-the-job training, while, in turn,
we will co-invest in the training of selected job seekers and Tabreed
will provide us with invaluable post-employment feedback.”
Tanmia, in turn, will work closely with Tabreed to develop future
training programmes for selected candidates, co-invest in their
ongoing training, monitor the training programme during its implementation
and provide mechanisms for post-employment follow-up of job seekers.
Tabreed plans to extend this first agreement with Tanmia into the
future to create further opportunities for young UAE nationals and
diversify the opportunities available to local employees across
the nation.
About Tabreed
Tabreed, the region’s premier district cooling service provider,
has offered district cooling as a utility to the UAE for over five
years, pioneering energy efficient gas-fired and electric-powered
district cooling solutions locally and across the region. The leading
district cooling service provider in the Middle East region, Tabreed
offers customers the highest quality service through an integrated
energy system devised to help them optimise their energy usage and
reduce power and maintenance costs.
Tabreed is a member of the International District Energy Association
(IDEA), Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), International Association
for Energy Economics (IAEE), International Institute of Refrigeration
(IIR), American Gas Cooling Centre, Inc. (AGCC) and the Dubai Quality

Posted by Richard Price,
Editor Pipeline Magazine
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